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The Esther and Herbert Taylor Oral History Collection, housed in the Ida Pearle and Joseph Cuba Archives for Southern Jewish History at the William Breman Jewish Heritage  Museum, consists of more than 1,000 interviews that document Jewish life in Georgia and Alabama. The collection originated in the 1970s due to an oral history project conducted by the Atlanta Jewish Federation and the Atlanta chapters of the National Council of Jewish Women and the American Jewish Committee. It has since grown to include a multitude of additional oral history projects spanning topics related to Atlanta Jewish history, Georgia Jewish history, Alabama Jewish history, and Holocaust history. 


Please note that the oral histories displayed in this catalogue constitute a percentage of our total collection. If you would like to know more about the Taylor Oral History Collection, please contact archives staff at the Breman Museum.


2022's Top 10 Most Popular Oral History Interviews: Tom Asher, Clara Bridges, Rudi Anapol, Herbert Kohn, Sylvia Pollock Becker, Kalman Held, Zhanna Arashanskaya Dawson, Walter Dannenberg, Sol Kimerling, Benjamin Hirsch.

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